Teleflora's Lavender Bliss Bouquet
Elevate Mother's Day with the Lavender Bliss Bouquet, featuring a stunning lavender mercury-inspired glass vase and a lush bouquet of lavender roses, pink spray roses, purple carnations, and other delightful blooms for a simply glamorous and timeless gift.
Elevate Mother's Day with the Lavender Bliss Bouquet, featuring a stunning lavender mercury-inspired glass vase and a lush bouquet of lavender roses, pink spray roses, purple carnations, and other delightful blooms for a simply glamorous and timeless gift.
Elevate Mother's Day with the Lavender Bliss Bouquet, featuring a stunning lavender mercury-inspired glass vase and a lush bouquet of lavender roses, pink spray roses, purple carnations, and other delightful blooms for a simply glamorous and timeless gift.
All prices in USD ($)
21 1/2" H
18" W
Standard - $84.99
21 1/2" H
18" W
Deluxe - $94.99
21 1/2" H
18" W
Premium - $104.99